Reciprocal Determinism Theory: An Overview Study

Reciprocal determinism is more reflective, referring to the process of one’s behavioral change under the bi-directional impact of the environment. Bandura, a great human psychologist and philosopher, explains the role of the environment in impacting human behavior. Man is not the passive recipient of the environmental changes. He is active in behaving independently to respond to that transformation in the specific situation. It is not a unidirectional method of causation causing any incident one way. It is a bi-directional change that influences both the individual and his surroundings in which he reacts differently.

What Is Reciprocal Determinism?

According to Albert Bandura, human behavior depends on three factors – personality (inward elements like pride), environment, and the behavior itself. He thinks about how he will respond to the outward stimuli. His inward emotions take part to modify his behavior as well. In other words, environmental factors influence him to do something (to feel) and in return, that person also tries to change the environment as well. A person’s attitude is not under the control of his inward self. His behavior is constructed by the external factors existing around them.

Example of Reciprocal Determinism

To define reciprocal determinism, experienced psychologists have cited examples to make people understand the basic theory of reciprocal determinism or social cognitive theory. For instance, a minor school student is not willing to go to school. The teacher criticizes him severely by scolding and slapping. The child becomes worried with nervousness to show his dissatisfaction. His unwillingness doubles up to build up suppressant resentment against the teacher. The behavior of the tutor forces the child to be more reluctant in the new situation. So, his behavior is reshaped by the arrogant tutor. This reciprocal determinism example simplifies the complexities of human behavioural pattern and how the environment is responsive to reset the behavior of a man.

Cluster of Environmental Factors

A cluster of environmental factors must regulate the behavioral texture of a human being. When the senior teacher blamed and punished the boy for overlooking tasks, the child started crying. So, with the rapid deterioration of his mental wellness, the whole classroom is also under the influence of such caustic behavior of the teacher. Therefore, the external environment is the key player in regulating or transforming the mental wellness of the victim. Finally, all students have grown hostile against the school environment and they are not interested in attending the classes. This hostility changes the whole environment in the school too.

Positive Effect of Reciprocal Determinism

Reciprocal Determinism

Bandura has incised various aspects of human behavior, which is reshaped by external stimuli and vice versa. Suppose a tamed and shy schoolboy tries to enter the classroom late. All students are found sitting on their respective benches. Here, boys sitting in the classroom are the environment. That shy schoolboy feels ashamed and worried about going to the center of the classroom due to his late coming. So, his shyness is a behavioral factor. Now, other classmates welcome him to sit in the same row of the first benches.

Their welcoming attitude is a new positive booster to act as a reinforcement to motivate that boy. It is a new set of behavior to influence that of the boy who is already scarred for his inability to be present at school on time. However, this new motivational behavior of the whole class boosts the boy. He has gained support and cooperation from others. So, he has transformed this bad behavior into a good one. It is an example of the positive reciprocal determinism dynamics.

The Higher Self-efficacy the More Positive Reciprocal Determinism

The self-efficacy inside you is the reinforced ground to push you forward. The strong belief works making you more confident of behaving dynamically. Te driving force inwardly fuels up your cognitive system to think better for earning rewards by performing well. Therefore, a higher level of self-efficiency enhances the positive reciprocal determinism among people. For example, a student with low efficacy can get mental therapy from a benevolent teacher. He recovers from low profile status after getting fruitful support and advice from the senior tutor. The new behavioral environment has cured his mental disorder like anxiety and inferiority complex.

Application of Reciprocal Determinism

In different fields, the reciprocal determinism theory has a significant effect, extensively. By observing a student’s behavior, a faculty can prescribe new sets of ideas to rebuild the mental immunity of the student. Improper guidance and rough treatment can affect the mental condition of a student. His behavioral response is negative and passive. To bring him to normalcy, the tutor should share good feedback, appreciating the student for learning. The reversal of behavior from bad to good is a powerful healing component to encourage students to improve the process of learning. In addition, the reciprocal determinism theory is also applicable to healthcare, and other areas like wellness management.

Which Statement Summarizes the Main Idea of Reciprocal Determinism?

Reciprocal Determinism

Reciprocal determinism is a complex human behavioral theory that is indicative of various external components influencing and reshaping human behavior. You should know which statement summarizes the main idea of reciprocal determinism. Bandura designed and developed his innovative reciprocal determinism formula in the 20th century. He believes that a man can’t change his behavior independently without the participation of the environment and behavior itself.

Reciprocal Determinism Psychology Definition

According to Bandura, reciprocal determinism is not based on unidirectional causative sequences. In simple words, while giving the reciprocal determinism psychology definition, Bandura has used his theory. In the environment, round-the-clock, human behavioral factors, thoughts, and beliefs are communicating with one another constantly. It is not a unidirectional approach to cause even one way. Ruther, it is a non-stop sustainable interaction between different types of human behavioral factors. Humans should reinforce the bi-directional relationship, optimizing their behaviors and enhancing the social cognitive system by thinking whatever is good.

Benefits of Reciprocal Determinism

Albert Bandura established his reciprocal determinism theory to analyze human behavior and his contribution to the improvement of the social cognitive system. Human beings are more sensitive to external factors in the environment. He behaves accordingly with the sudden change of the situation dramatically. By applying Bandura’s bidirectional reciprocal determinism theory, experts try to reset the behavioral disorders of mentally disturbed patients. It is also much workable and effective to find the cause of gender bias and an immediate solution for creating an environment of equality. Positive reciprocal determinism enhances the self-empowerment metabolism among workers to build up teamwork. By observing and monitoring the employees’ skills, the management gives more tips to develop the expertise of employees.

Achieving Goal

Bandura’s invention of new reciprocal determinism helps people to be target-specific. You can achieve your goal by remodeling your behavior, emulating the good traits of others. You should grow your confidence that you have immense self-efficacy to turn the situation by employing your energy. This conviction takes you to the last stage of achievement.

Promoting Mental Wellness

With result-oriented reciprocal determinism, you can promote your mental wellness by erasing previous painful flashbacks. You might have negative thoughts in your past life prodding you repeatedly. You must keep watching the enriched behavior of your seniors to experience a massive breakthrough in your own behavior. This external stimulant can change you totally for better prospects.


The overall layout of reciprocal determinism dynamics is an upgraded system to correct the behavioral discordance of a human being. His world-class corrective measures are useful for a man to modify his concepts to restore high-caliber cognitive ability to plan wisely. He acquires more efficiency and potential to succeed in the professional world. He recognizes his objective to escalate in his life. Lastly, he becomes more resolute to face adverse situations, storing his energy for longer self-achievement. His mental health is also improved simultaneously.


Q: What is reciprocal determinism?

A: Reciprocal determinism is a process of developing human behavior considering external environmental factors influencing behavior itself.

Q: Who designed reciprocal determinism?

A: Albert Bandura designed and modified reciprocal determinism.

Q: Why is reciprocal determinism popular?

A: Reciprocal determinism helps people to increase the self-control over emotions, correcting personal deficiencies to maintain mental wellness.

Q: What are the benefits of reciprocal determinism?

A: Reciprocal determinism transforms your behavior for better socialization, reinforcing your social cognitive system. It makes you self-reliant and powerful.

Q: Is reciprocal determinism unidirectional or bidirectional?

A: Reciprocal determinism is bidirectional.

Q: Is reciprocal determinism applicable to corporate sectors?

A: Reciprocal determinism enhances the productivity, encouraging employees to be self-empowered to work dynamically.

Q: What is the social cognitive system?

A: Social cognitive theory indicates how people learn through the social communication and interactions with external environmental factors.

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